15. Multi-Select User
This is similar to the USER field, but instead of a drop-down, it is a multi-select field. This will allow you to select more than one user.
Display Types
- SELECT: This is the default display type, it makes this field a drop-down box.
- Options: Tool for creating multiple options for this data field. To add options, click the “Add New Option” button near the very bottom of the Field Details pane.
- Option Name: Select from your existing USER GROUPS.
- Sort: The sorting order of the option in the list (incremental value starting at zero).
- Display: Display conditions for the option.
- Always: This is the default option Display condition. If display conditions have been created for the current module, they will appear below the “Always” display option.
- Delete Link: Delete the option.
- Option Name: Select from your existing USER GROUPS.
- Options: Tool for creating multiple options for this data field. To add options, click the “Add New Option” button near the very bottom of the Field Details pane.
- LABEL: Makes this field a read only label.