24. Timestamp Diff
A non-editable LABEL that displays the end result of an automatic equation related to dates and times.
Display Types:
- TIMESTAMP DIFF: This is the default display type.
- Unit: The unit of measure you want to use in the calculation, and display in the field (DAY, MONTH, YEAR, HOUR, MINUTE).
- Compare: The starting field or option for the calculation. You can pick from your existing fields in your data module, or you can select — Current Time — (the –Current Time — option is always available).
- With: The ending field or option for the calculation. You can pick from your existing fields in your data module, or you can select — Current Time — (the –Current Time — option is always available).
- Unit: The unit of measure you want to use in the calculation, and display in the field (DAY, MONTH, YEAR, HOUR, MINUTE).