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CC - Queues

The Queues are used by the Ivinex internal system functions to create an IVR experience on certain Dialers. These are the Dialers used for controlling call flow and routing on Inbound calls.


Queue Name:  The name or label given for the Queue selection.

Max Size:  Maximum size allowed.  Default is '0'.

ACD Strategy:  Dropdown list of All Agents OR Longest Wait Time.

All Agents:  When a call comes in every valid Agent will be notified of the call.

Longest Wait Time:  Single Agent with the Longest Wait Time will be given the call.

Time Per Agent:  How long in seconds before a call is routed to the next Agent.  This happens only if ACD Strategy is set as Longest Wait Time (not applicable for All Agents).

When you click the Set Instructions button, the Queue Instructions window will pop up.


Queue Instructions Window

This window includes the Queue Instructions for every Queue.  If there are no settings the queue will still work, but will not do anything.

After all conditions are met (Actions are executed), the queue will do everything in the given instructions.


Queue Instructions


Notify Agents:  Check this box if Agents should be notified when a call is in this queue.  Usually you only want to notify Agents in the last queue of an IVR tree.  Please note that 'out of the box' Agents will not be notified -- so the checkbox needs to be selected for action.

Final Destination:  This is the action taken when the Queues criteria is met.  It can be any other existing queue in the system, hang up the call, send to voicemail, or transfer the call to a phone number.  You set the final destination for the call.  You can also chain different queues together.

Transfer To:  This will tell the Queue where to transfer the call to with the phone number when Transfer is selected in Final Destination.



Actions are added to the Queue list by clicking on the Add button.  You can select three different actions in the dropdown list (Action):  Say, Play, or Pause.  Each of these examples are shown below.  The details for setting up each one is detailed below.

Each action will be executed sequentially top to bottom as shown in the Actions list.  You are able to move these Actions with the up or down arrows (to the right), placing them in order of execution.

The Remove link on the right will delete the entire line.  The Add button will add additional Actions.

SAY:  The IVR will verbally 'say' whatever you type into the text area in Details.  In this case, it will say "Please wait for the next available agent", as this is what we typed it to say.

PLAY:  This action will 'play' any of the selected audio files that you store into the system using File.   Please note the format in the text area below:  13|1|10200.  

Play Format Instructions:  The play format can be a little tricky, so it's important to follow the instructions on how to setup.  The Play format contains items to look up or search before putting in the system in Ivinex.  Please see the example below for finding the requested ID's.  This format may change in the near future.

The current format for play is setup with the pipe symbols '|' between each of the required ID's like the following:

< FileModuleId > | < FileRecordId > | < FileFieldId_FromFileModule >

< FileModuleId > - This contains the ID of the Files module within Ivinex.  To find this module ID, you will need to go to the Admin (backend), and find MODULES (Administrator Options).  Click on the Files Module, and the ID will be given in Module Details -- as shown below.

Therefore, in this case the FileModuleId = 13.

< FileRecordId > -  The middle section is the actual file Record ID in Ivinex (frontend).  To find the Record ID click on the Files Module in the frontend, and search for the audio file you are looking for -- as shown below.  The audio files can be in .wav or .mp3 file format.   

If you need to use multiple audio files, it is as simple as changing out the File Record ID, to play the exact file you choose as saved in the system.

The Record ID will be based on the actual audio file that you select for the case.   In this case, the File Record ID = 1.   

* Saving a new file in Files is as simple as clicking the New Button to the right, and Clicking or Dragging the new file into the system to save in Files.

When you click on a record, the Detail View will show up, to expound the file details:

< FileFieldId_FromFileModule > -  The final section of the 'Play' format contains the File Field ID from the File Module.  This means that we will look up the File Module in the Admin (backend).  Click on the Files Module in Administrator Options, much like we did in the first section FileModuleId.  The difference this time is we are looking for the File Field ID.  It will display the Module Details and the Details Layout of the Module.

In the Details Layout, you will want to click on the File field (click on the word 'File').

This will pop-up the Field Display Options for that field name.  The File Field ID is contained in the first (top) item called 'Field Name'.  The File Field ID is shown in parenthesis after the field name.  This is the ID number for the field.  See an example below.  In this case the File Field ID = 10020.

This concludes how to find the three (3) sections required for the Play format with pipe symbols '|' in between.  It will be how to set up the Play portion (audio files).  If following this example for Play format, we can input into the textarea each of these sections as follows:

Final input into Play textarea (Details) from finding each of the ID's required = 13|1|10020.  

PAUSE:  How long you want the message to 'pause' in seconds.  Type in the number of seconds to pause - as shown below.  In the case below, it would be 30 seconds.



The Gather section within Queue Instructions are fields to set how to 'gather' digits from a caller.  The following fields are detailed below.


Number of Digits:  The number of digits to gather.  Set to '0' for any number.  

Finish Digit:  The digit that specifies when to stop gathering.  Can be '0-9', # or *.  Leave blank for unspecified.

Timeout:  Set to the number of seconds to wait for the client to enter digits.  Total amount of time the system will wait for DTMF and then timeout.


Gather Digits

The Gather Digits section includes the listening options to add for digits that are gathered.  What you would like to happen with the digits.  Allowing you to move to new queues with the New Queue field.  Add Gather Digits to help with the given Actions.


Digits:  Use the Digits as an indicator or listener for what is given in the number of digits.  Its is the digit(s) that trigger the New Queue or New Campaign.

New Queue:  The New Queue dropdown can be selected from the Queues (Queue Name) available in the record.

New Campaign:  The New Campaign can be selected from a dropdown of Campaigns.

Instructions for setup of an IVR in Ivinex:  

Step 1 is the Inbound entry point.  This will be the first Queue Name given as an entry point for instructions.

Step 2 will go to the next Queue for given instructions (if given, and so on).

As an example to follow, let's take the Queue Instructions for the following case.  It will be presented as a Movie Time IVR in Ivinex.  Our entry point begins with a Queue Name of 'Inbound Test Campaign Entry Point'.  We have an Action set as 'Say', and a Final Destination of the next Queue Name:  'inbound test campaign step 2'.  This will contain an example of how to chain Queues together.

The Actions of the IVR will say "Welcome to Movie Time with Ivinex" as detailed.  The instructions given and completed, and will be sent to the next destination -- the next Queue Name Step 2:  inbound test campaign step 2, per the given Final Desitination.

Step 2 will move to the following Queue Instructions for inbound test campaign step 2.

Notice that we have given the Queue the instructions for Actions, Gather, and Gather Digits (all highlighted in red above). 

The Actions will begin by saying "What movie would you like to see?", and followed with the 3 choices that we gave with a specific digit to press.  "Press 1 for Gone With The Wind", etc.

After the Actions, it will Gather the one (1) digit that we allowed on Number of Digits from the input, and set a Timeout of 5 seconds to press the proper button, if no selection is made within the time limit.

Now the instructions will "gather" the digit(s) that were pressed in Gather Digits.  Depending on the digit pressed, it will direct to a given Menu (or another Queue).  In these Menus, you can setup more details/instructions for the movie, and so forth.  Menu 1 would be for if the user selected one (1) -- "Gone With The Wind".  Menu 1 would be given instructions to proceed next as necessary, and so forth.

And finally, the Final Destination is given "No Selection".  This will be the last step given.  It will hang up after executed, or if there is a timeout by the user.

This is an 'example' of how to use the Queue Instructions to setup an IVR in Ivinex.  Instructions on how to customize the settings for your purposes.