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2. Related List

The following are the options that appear when Related List is selected as the Type. The options are identical to Master List.

  1. Popup Record On Select: This will create a popup of a record when selected to appear in its own window at the forefront of the screen.
  2. Show Totals: This will show how many records total are in the list at the top left of the table.
  3. Show Search: This will show a search bar at the top of the record table to search all the records in the list.
  4. Show Filters: Four new options will appear at the top of the record list.
    • A drop-down menu will allow you to view all created and available filters to choose from.
    • A pencil icon button will allow you to edit the currently selected filter from the drop-down menu.
    • A refresh icon will allow you to refresh the table based on the filter selected if needed.
    • A plus icon will allow you to create/add a new filter to the record list.
  5. Show Feature Icons:
  6. Show Add New: This will create a button that says New on the top right of the record list.
  7. Show Mass Update: This will create a wrench icon in the top right corner of the table with a drop-down option to Mass Update the records in the list. A new pop-up window will appear and guide you through the steps to update the records.
  8. Show Export: This will create an option to export the record list. The option to export will be shown in the drop-down menu from the wrench icon.
  9. Show Import: This will create an option to import information to the record list. The option to import will be shown in the drop-down menu from the wrench icon.
  10. Show Quick Search: This will create search boxes above each column in the record list for you to search content in each column individually.
  11. Prevent Word Wrap:
  12. Order By: Choose how you would like the information ordered by. An example could be date desc (for date descending).
  13. Max Row Height:
  14. Prevent Header Word Wrap:
  15. Multi Select Table:
  16. Display Section Name: This is rarely used. This will show the name you entered in the top left of the records table.