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Pipe Syntax


Note: You may not find a need to use the |1 syntax, as the default value returned is the "text" value vs. the ID value. It is possible to use both the : syntax and the | syntax together.

| Syntax Example:  We want to get the ID of an option that has been selected by a user. Our field name is “callback”, the type is Radio, and our options are Yes (ID: 4885), and No (ID: 4886). To get the ID of the selected option, we start with the name of the field and then add the vertical bar character | and then a 0[Field: callback|0]. This would return the ID of the selected option.


Example: We want to get the ID of an option that has been selected by a user. Our field name is "callback", the type is Radio, and our options are Yes (ID: 4885), and No (ID: 4886). To get the ID of the selected option, we start with the name of the field and then add the vertical bar character | and then a 0: [Field: callback|0]. This would return the ID of the selected option.

Fields where the | syntax makes a difference:

Warning: When attempting to set a Linked_Record with a workflow, you must use the |0 syntax as this field type is stored as an ID only.