General User
System Admin User
Implementation & Process
Training Materials


3. Details

The added options for this type are not commonly used. 

  1. Refresh Sections on Refresh: The options from the Master(s) field will appear in this drop-down menu.
  2. Clear Form On Save: The form will become blank and the information inputted, cleared, when you click Save.
  3. Clear Section On Save: The whole section will become blank and cleared when you click Save.
  4. Show Linked Collections:
  5. Display Icons:
  6. Top Pane:
  7. Bottom Pane:
  8. Navigation Options:
  9. Navigation Width:
  10. Page Border:
  11. Style Text:
  12. Header Text:
  13. Footer Text:
  14. Show Next Prev Buttons:
  15. Save Form on Tab Change: