General User
System Admin User
Implementation & Process
Training Materials


4. New Details

This type has the same added options as the Details type. Again, they may not be commonly used, but are here if you would prefer.

  1. Refresh Sections on Refresh: The options from the Master(s) field will appear in this drop-down menu.
  2. Clear Form On Save: The form will become blank and the information inputted, cleared, when you click Save.
  3. Clear Section On Save: The whole section will become blank and cleared when you click Save.
  4. Show Linked Collections:
  5. Display Icons:
  6. Top Pane:
  7. Bottom Pane:
  8. Navigation Options:
  9. Navigation Width:
  10. Page Border:
  11. Style Text:
  12. Header Text:
  13. Footer Text:
  14. Show Next Prev Buttons:
  15. Save Form on Tab Change: