Themes are a great and easy way to customize a site to suit your business look and style. To activate the Themes feature, go to the System Preferences window on the System Admin side (back-end). Once the feature has been activated, click on the Settings link. Below is what you will see on the Settings window:
Here you will need to click on the Create Modules button. You do not need to select anything first in the drop-down fields, when you click the Create Modules button, it will do it automatically. If the modules are being successfully created, you will see a spinning loading icon next to the button. Sometimes you need to hit Ctrl + F5 for the system to refresh first to create the modules. After you refresh, try clicking on the button again and the modules should be created.
To access the themes feature, go to the User Preferences on the front-end. You will see a sub-tab at the top labeled Themes. Below is what it will look like:
In this window you have a couple of options to choose from:
- Create a custom theme
- Choose a standard preset theme
Please see the Themes and Layout course for more details about how to create a custom theme.