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The Dialers box is set in the upper left-hand corner of the Feature Settings.  The box will initially have zero Dialers setup, but in the example below we have one dialer added.

When the Add Dialer button is selected, you may add a New Dialer (Name and Type).  The 'Name' will be what you name or label the Dialer, type in the name.  The 'Type' will be a drop-down list of the specific Dialers -- for your selection. 

Now that a New Dialer is added (named 'CxOne Dialer' for example).  The box will look like the following image.  This example shows InContact as the 'Type' selected.  Any Dialer available can be added.

  1. Settings: When you select the Settings link, the Dialer Settings window will pop-up. You will see this in more detail in the following course.
  2. Remove: When selected, you can remove or delete added dialers. This will delete the entire dialer ID line you select.