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Files can be used throughout the site on other modules. Sometimes it can be as simple as uploading your logo to add it to your site, or even uploading images to add to documentation. To create the needed modules for the File feature, you will need to click on the Settings link in the Feature Manager. This will then show you the following window:


Here you will need to click on the Create Modules button. If the modules are being successfully created, you will see a spinning loading icon next to the button. Sometimes you need to hit Ctrl + F5 for the system to refresh first to create the modules. After you refresh, try clicking on the button again and the modules should be created. After creating the modules, go to the front-end and locate the Files module. It should look like something similar to what you see below.

  1. The + icon is the add button. Click on this to upload or add a new file to your site.
  2. This is the record list of all of the files currently in your site.
  3. When clicking on a file record from the window above, the details of that particular file will appear in this window.
  4. Activities allow you to record notes about a particular file, however this is not commonly used.
  5. The History view allows you to see all the notes from the activity window above, again, this window is not commonly used.


When you click on the + button to add a new file, the following window will popup:

Here you can click or drag a file to the middle box. Once you have uploaded the file you would like, click the Save button. You can change the File Name if you would like too before clicking Save. As you can see, there are two sub-tabs on this window, File and Settings. Below is what you will see on the Settings window.

The field in this sub-tab that is most commonly used the is the Public checkbox. By checking this box, it allows you to make public the file that you upload, without selecting this, you may not be able to see the file in certain situations. Again, make the changes and edits you would like to the following fields, if you need to and then click Save.