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Call Center Configurations

Creating Lists

The purpose of creating a list is to push leads to a dialer on a certain campaign. Creating lists is best done in the List Management view. Begin by selecting a campaign to push leads. There are two ways to push leads, from a File or from Filter.


The files tab in the List Management window, in the List Management View allows a csv of lead information to be imported to Ivinex then to the dialer.

To import a leads list csv, click the New File button. This will pop a detail view of an upload list. In the pop-up, there are fields to upload a csv file. The columns in the csv can be mapped to the Ivinex MCL fields by clicking the field mappings link. In the pop-up, there are also two field to set rules of catching duplicates from the csv already in the system. Action to be performed on found duplicates can also be chosen. When the po- up has been filled, click the Save button. By saving, a new row will be created in the List Management window.


The filters tab in the list management window within the list management view allows a list to be created from existing Ivinex data. This list can be used to push leads to a campaign and dialer. To begin creating the list, click on the New Filter button. This will pop a filter window to filter down MCL records.  When the filter is complete, click the Save button. By saving, a new row will be created in the List Management window.

After a list has been created in either the File tab or the Filter tab, the list is ready to be pushed to the Dialer. The table in the list management window, has four input fields.

§  Send To Dialer New:  Sends the leads to the Dialer and marks them as new.

§  Send To Dialer Callback (NS):  Sends the leads to the dialer and marks them as callback ns or call back not scheduled.

§  Totals Dialer select:  Drop down to choose which Dialer to push leads to.

§  Totals Record Action:  Drop down to choose to append push records or to replace records. Append will add new records the Dialer’s already existing pool of leads. Replace will remove all of the leads currently in the dialer and replace them with new records.

Once the above four fields have been filled, the leads are ready to be sent to the Dialer. To do so, click the Send To Dialer button. After refresh, the values in the table should reflect the current state of the Dialer.


Creating Scripts

A Script is a pre-written screen that will pop-up when an agent begins to take a call. Scripts are highly customizable from the text shown to the fields capturing data. A new Script can be created in the Admin by clicking the New Script button in SCRIPTS. The process of creating a script is similar to creating a module.