Deleted Items Manager
The Deleted Items Manager is used to see collections of specific deleted items in the system. It can be filtered by the use of the Criteria section.
- Criteria: Set your criteria with the following fields:
- Module: If you would like to specify a particular Module, or just look at 'ALL' as the default.
- Deleted By: The drop-down list of users to select from. Check if certain users deleted a record.
- Contains: Use to see if it matches or contains -- to filter down for more specific data. Use like a search.
- Start Date: Filter the date and time from the start of your search.
- End Date: Filter the date and time of the end of your search.
- Deleted Collections: Show your results with the following fields to check for deleted items:
- Module: The Module that the deleted item belongs to.
- Record ID: This is the exact Record ID in the module.
- Deleted Date: This is the date that the item was deleted.
- Deleted By: Who deleted the item.
The Deleted Items Manager allows Admins to have a record and history of all deleted items. Navigate pages with the Prev and Next links.