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Group Permissions

User and group permissions are very similar, but are listed just a little different from one another. In this tutorial you will learn about how to setup permissions for a group. You will find that actually setting the permissions is the exact same process for both users and groups.


Each group can have different permission settings. To change permissions, first click the Display Permissions link below the save and delete button. 

You will then be presented with the current permissions for the selected group. The permission list will be populated with system permissions and permissions associated with each module belonging to your site. To edit the permissions, you would click the --Show-- link.

In the Group Manager the permissions list, it will look like the PERMISSIONS bottom section as shown above.

The permissions list for the Group Manager looks basically the same as the one in the User Manager, but without the “From Group” column as this is for a Group.

Group Module Permissions

To set permissions for a group start by clicking the --Show-- link in the value column for the column you want to edit permissions on. When you do this you should see something similar to this:

This group of check boxes allows you to set a groups permissions for a specific action. If a checkbox is checked, that means the group (along with all the users that belong to the group) have permission to do that action.

Following is a list of all the check boxes and what group permissions they provide:

Once you finish editing permissions for however many tabs you want to you can click the Update Permissions button that is above the permissions list to save the changes you made.

Group & User Global Permissions

In addition to the data module permissions, there are a few “global” permissions that can be set for both groups and users.

The following is a list of all the check boxes and what global permissions they provide: