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How to Demo Ticketing 

This tutorial is to help explain "How to manage my Tickets".

When doing a demo on Ticketing.  Log into Ivinex Call Center:  URL

The example below is what you see at the top-left of your screen (Ivinex top Nav menu).  The Module "tabs" at the top labeled Tickets is what you want to showcase - as shown in the red box, will be the module to click for tickets.

Click on the tab to open up your Tickets Module on Ivinex Nav menu:

It will pop up the Tickets window (as shown below).

Click on a record in the Tickets window (upper left-hand corner window) as shown in the red box, the Detail View will appear below with the Ticket details on selection.  Notice how it is shown as a table of tickets (a list).

It is important to note that each of the fields you see in the Details View layout, were setup in the Ivinex System Admin (backend).  Each layout is built for each Module in Ivinex - as required per the clients needs.

We are now looking at the Ticketing details. 

Note:   You can modify or create module fields with a look and feel (layout) that fits the clients Ticketing needs in the System Admin (backend).  See How to Use System Admin training in these tutorials.

The ticket information in the Tickets window contain the Master List of all tickets created.  So every time an Agent creates a new Ticket record, it is added to the list.

You can add a new record with the New button in Tickets window -- see below:

When you select the New button in the upper right-hand corner (highlighted in red), a New Ticket window will appear as shown below.  Create a new Ticket with the Agent filling in the fields, and push the Save button.  A new record is now created in our Tickets list as described.  You can show how to create a new ticket to the client.

The Ticket Status field would typically be set as "New" for a new record.  This field will set a new ticket in our "New" column for the Ticketing Kanban system View (if required).  This is how you "manage" your Tickets.

Note:   See the How to Demo Ticketing Kanban for details on how to show Kanban System using the Tickets module.