General User
System Admin User
Implementation & Process
Training Materials

How to Use System Admin

It is important to discuss or demo with a client the System Admin.  Used to control or manipulate how the user sees data on the frontend (UUI).  

We will begin with how to Navigate from the frontend to the backend (Admin).

When logged into Ivinex (UUI), click on the User dropdown (test user1 CXOne) in the upper right-hand corner.  Click on the Admin (shown in RED below).

Now you have been sent to the Admin page (if you have permissions to do so).  The Administrator Options window will be on your left-hand side.

To start, we can add the client's logo for the presentation.  We will be using the GENERAL SETTINGS in Administrator Options.  You can switch out the logo for the Header Logo (shown in the header on the frontend).  

Go to Administrator Options  > System Preferences

Customize Client Logo

Here we can switch out a client logo (customized for the customer) to reflect in your demo for the Ivinex Header (on the frontend).

In System Preferences, click on the "search magnifying-glass icon" in Header Logo :   

This will pop up a Select File window to select the logo file that was saved in Files (as shown):

Select the File, and then make sure to click the Submit button on the bottom (below "Passwords").  It is important to select this button for the changes to take effect.

Important Note:   You must first save the logo file(s) in the Files module on the frontend, or the file will not be available in the Select File window.  Go to the Files module on the frontend.  Select the New button on the upper right-hand corner, and add the new file (Click or Drag File Here).  This will download your file ready for access to it, and will be on the list to select from in the Admin (Select File window).

How to Modify MODULES and SCRIPTS in System Admin

Another very important aspect to the System Admin is knowing how to Add or Modify modules and scripts.  This can be done in the MODULES and SCRIPTS portion of the Administrator Options (as shown below highlighted in RED):

Modules and Scripts are setup very similar to each other.  You can create a new module by clicking the New Module button.  Same thing for Scripts (using the New Script button).  As mentioned before, all the modules and scripts are built on the backend (Admin).  This will be where you move and adjust fields and layouts to make them look a certain way.

Click on a Module or Script link that you are wanting the details from.

Let's use an example of the Cases Script that we already saw in the demo for Inbound calls using the Agent View.  This would be the actual created script that pops up on an Inbound call.

Click on "Cases" script in SCRIPTS.  Note there is a Singular Name (Case) and Plural Name (Cases).

The Module Details and Details Layout windows will appear -- as shown below:

When clicking on one of the created fields like CALL REASON (highlighted in RED), the Field Display Options window will appear.  This is where you setup your fields.

Notice the buttons at the bottom in the Details Layout section (detailed below).  

Save Layout:  This button saves the layout exactly how you place each field in the window.  You can customize and move the layout to look and feel how the customer would like.  Once all the changes are made in the Details Layout, you will select the Save Layout button to save the layout.

Note:   It is critical that you use the Save Layout button regularly as you go, or you will lose how the fields are set or laid out.  They will reset if you do not save.

New Field:  This button creates a new field in the layout.  Use the Field Display Options to make the field do what you want it to.  Label the field.  Using the correct Data Types and Display Types, etc.  This will make the type of field you want available to the Agents on the frontend (for Users).

New Tab:  This button creates a new tab to the layout.  If you notice in the example above, there are 'multiple' tabs used that you can create.  The layout above has 5 tabs (Pre, Main, FAQ, INSURANCE, Header, Footer).  These can be adjusted based on how the customer wants to see the data.  In this example, we are viewing the Main tab.

For the Scripts, we can use a new tab to show a Header or Footer in the script (as a use case).  So when creating scripts, add a logo in the Header, or add more content in the Footer, etc...  based on how you want the Agent to look in the script.

Field Tab Order:  This tells you how to order all the tabs.  Order you want to see them.

It is important to demonstrate and explain this when creating Modules and Scripts, it is how the data will be represented on the frontend.

This will be how to modify and create Scripts for your Agents.  These scripts can the be used on the Script Pops in the Agent View, as has been demonstrated in the How to Demo Inbound Call using Agent View.

All Modules are created and modified in the same manner.

This concludes how to demonstrate how to use the System Admin (backend) for a client.

Note:   You can reference more details about Ivinex System Admin (backend) here.