System Admin User


Advanced Workflows

This section gives examples of advanced workflow actions within the Ivinex software.  

Offset a Date referencing another Date using an Integer from another field:

Step 1: Create the two date fields (data type = Date) and integer field that you want to use for your values.

Step 2: Designate the Origination Date and the date that is to be modified.

Step 3: Assign a default value to the integer field.  This will allow admins control over the date offset defaults, but it will allow users to set the value manually.

Step 4: Create a Workflow to trigger when a record is "Created or Updated."

Step 5: Set the appropriate filters.

Step 6: Create a new action with the following settings:

Action->Update existing record, Tab->Triggering Record

Step 7: Add a new action by selecting the name of the Date field that will be calculated.  Select Specific Date.

Step 8: Use this syntax format:  [Field: origination_date][D[Field: days_to_add]] *A capital D means add days.

Step 9: Save the Action and Workflow. Test to verify that the software is offsetting the date by the number of days in the Integer field.



Advanced Syntax

Linked Record:

If you want to target the ID of a linked record, use a pipe and a 0.  Otherwise, to target the text, use a pipe and a 1.

[Field:customer_link|0]  :: Grabs onto the ID of the record.

[Field:customer_link|1]  :: Grabs onto the text of the record.

Current Settings Variables:

Standardized Date Expressions:


Adding or Subtracting date and time values:

The following representations are also possible with the same formatting:

For the above examples, the 24-hour format with leading zeros (00 to 23) or minutes with leading zeros are appropriate (00 to 59).

Special Case Uses: