Create a State Machine
- Create a new State Machine. Give it a friendly name for the campaign or goal it should be achieving. Select a module from which the records will be queued. If a node hasn’t been created, use the next step to create a node and set it as the starting node for that machine. Lastly Exclusive Groups are predefined security groups that will be allowed to use this state machine. This setting is a means to filter the users of the State Machine.
- Create a new node. Give it a name based on its action or actions. Select the name of the State Machine that you created as the master of that node. Lastly, click the actions link to define one or more actions that the node must execute. After you define your first node, create a second node with a new set of actions to perform.
- Creating Actions. Click new action. Give the action a friendly name based on the tasks it’s going to complete. Select the action type from these options: update record or create new record. If you are sending out text or email messages, you’ll need to create new records as featured in the screenshots. However, you can also use actions to update any fields in any module of the system. Select the module that you want to manipulate. Add fields by clicking the new details button. As you select each field, you can add user input from the triggering record that will be entering the state machine. If you have questions beyond the screenshot examples, please contact Hit Save when you’ve finished defining your actions.
- Create a new trigger, and give it a friendly name. Set node 1 as the current node and node 2 as the new node. This will create a link between the objects. Set the appropriate trigger type that you need for this leg of your campaign. Add a filter to eliminate unwanted records such as those that have opted out of the follow up efforts. Set the minimum time in the node in minutes unless your trigger is based on days. In that case, the minimum time will be full days. Select the name of the State Machine for which the trigger applies. Set the name of the module from which records are being queued. When you’re editing, save the new trigger; it will create a link between the nodes. For more information on using filters, see the standard admin documentation.
- Define a finish node and a trigger that will execute to the finish node. This last step is completed once all of your other nodes and triggers are defined. This finalizes the actions of the State Machine.
- Create a new module that will be able to use the State Machine or use an existing module. You have the choice of manually triggering the State Machine or an automated trigger. Use a workflow to define a button for a manual trigger, or use a timer for an automated trigger. For more information about workflows, please see our documentation on creating system workflows. Your workflow needs to be set to create a new State Machine position. In the State Machine Position, you need only set the following: Module (where the records are feeding from), State Machine (the name of the relevant State Machine), Record ID, and the Starting Node (optional). If the State Machine was designed with a Starting Node, then this field can be left blank.
- Refresh your cadences view to ensure that records are moving through node states as per the rules that were defined.