Create a Workflow
To add a Workflow, first select the group you would like to place it in, then click the “Add New” button. You will see another popup with the title “Workflow Item". This is where you begin creating your new workflow.
The Workflow Item form has a few different fields at the top.
- Name: This is where you enter the name of your new Workflow.
- Type: This drop-down box will determine when your workflow is triggered, so it’s important that you decide carefully what type of workflow you want to create. The workflow types available to you are: “Timer”, “When a record is created”, “When a record is updated”, “When a record is created or updated”, and “When two records are linked”. Each are discussed separately below.
- Timer: A Timer workflow contains a lot of Sub Options.
- Timer Type: The type of timer you want to use.
- Specific day(s) of the week: A timer Workflow can be triggered on a day of the week by checking the days of the week that you want to run the workflow (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday).
- Specific day(s) of the month: A Timer Workflow can also be triggered on a day of the month by checking the months that you want to run the workflow (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, and December).
- Day of Month: Which day of the month you want the timer to run (1-31).
- Time of Day: No matter which Timer Type you choose, you should normally always set the “Time of Day” field. Leaving it blank will cause the workflow to run at exactly midnight on the dates that you set.
- Next Trigger Date: The last Sub Option of the Timer Workflow is “Next Trigger Date”, which you will normally leave blank, unless you want to trigger the workflow for the first time at a specific time that is out of sync with when you set it up to trigger.
- Timer Type: The type of timer you want to use.
- When a record is created: This will cause the workflow to trigger when a record is created.
- When a record is updated: This will cause the workflow to trigger when a record is updated.
- When a record is created or updated: This is will cause the workflow to trigger when a record is either created or updated.
- When two records are linked: This will cause the workflow to trigger when two records are linked to each other. This Workflow Type has extra options.
- *Module (currently named Tab): Lists all the modules in your site.
- *Module 2 (currently named Tab 2): This field is a drop-down next to the “Tab” option that lists all the modules in your site. This option is there so the workflow knows what two modules to watch for links.
- When two records are un-linked: This will cause the workflow to trigger when two records are un-linked from each other. This workflow Type has extra options.
- *Module (currently named Tab): Lists all the modules in your site.
- *Module 2 (currently named Tab 2): This field is a drop-down next to the “Tab” option that lists all the modules in your site. This option is there so the workflow knows what two modules to watch for links.
- When a button is pressed: This workflow is designed to work specifically with the Button Field Type. When you create a button in your module, and view its field display options there will be a workflow option that you can set. This workflow Type has extra options.
- *Module (currently named Tab): Lists all the modules in your site.
- Group: Which workflow group this workflow belongs to. Changing this option doesn’t change functionality, just how the workflows are organized in the wizard.
- *Module (currently named Tab): Once you select the workflow type you want, you’re going to need to pick which module (or if you selected the “When two records are linked” type) or 2 modules you want to watch. You do this by picking a module in the “Tab” drop-down. All the modules from your site are listed there.
- Timer: A Timer workflow contains a lot of Sub Options.
Once you select a module you will see a new field added just below the “Tab” drop-down labeled “Filter”.
- Filter: You can create a filter by clicking the “New Filter” button. Filters work for workflows just like they do everywhere else in Ivinex.