Workflow Actions
Actions are what a workflow actually does. Up to this point we’ve just been configuring when a Workflow will trigger, and on what records. To actually get a workflow to do something we’re going to have to add some actions. Start by clicking the New Action button. You will then see a popup box labeled “Workflow Action”.
Warning: When attempting to set a Linked_Record with a workflow, you must use the |0 syntax as this field type is stored as an ID only.
Workflow Action
- Name: Start by giving your Workflow Action a name in the first field labeled “Name”.
- Action: Next you’re going to select a type of action you want to perform from the “Action” drop-down. There are 4 options to choose from: “Update existing record”, “Create new record”, “Send email”, “Link record".
- Update existing Record: This option will let you update an existing record. Selecting this action will also add a “Tab” drop-down below the “Action” field.
- *Module (currently named Tab): Select from the module options available.
- *Module (currently named Tab): Select from the module options available.
- Triggering Record: By default the option “Triggering Record” is selected. This option will cause this action to affect the record that triggered this workflow. This is useful if you want to make changes to the record that triggered this workflow.
- Related (module name): The “Tab” drop-down lists all the modules in your site with the word “Related” before it. This means that it’s going to update any related records from the module you pick.
- Filter: You can create a filter by clicking the New Filter button. Filters work for workflows just like they do everywhere else in Ivinex.
- Details: After you decide what module (Tab) you want to make changes to, you need to describe the changes you want made using the “Details” section that is added after selecting the workflow action. Begin by clicking the Add New button. This will add some new fields under the “Details” header.
- Details Drop-down: The first drop-down lists all the fields from the module you selected. The second field will change depending on what the field type is that you select from the first drop-down. If it’s a SELECT (DROP-DOWN) field or other type of field that allows users to select multiple tabs you will see a set of 3 options. The first drop-down will remain the same (the list of fields from the module you picked) but the single text box will change to a set of two text boxes. The first of the two is a drop-down that has two options, “Specific Option”, which when selected will allow you to pick from all the options for the field you picked in the very first drop-down, and “User Input”, which will change the third select field into a text box and allow you to enter anything you want.
Note: The following keywords are supported when using the "User Input" option. 'Today' and 'Week' (Sun-Sat). You can also use +/- modifiers.
Yesterday: ‘Today-1′
Tomorrow: ‘Today+1′
This Week: ‘Week’
Next Week: ‘Week+1′
Now: ‘Now’
- Details Drop-down (Lookup Field Type):If you select a lookup field you will see something similar to what you would for a drop-down type field. However, in the second drop-down instead of the first option being “Specific Option” you’ll see “Lookup”. Selecting the first option in the second drop-down will cause a Lookup field to show to the right of the second drop-down that will allow you to select a record. The other option of the second drop-down is the same as it is on drop-down fields, “User Input”, which when selected will show a text box to the right of the second drop-down that will allow you to enter any value that you want.
- cCreate new Record: Selecting this Action for you workflow Action Item will allow you to create a new record. It will add a “Tab” drop-down below the “Action” drop-down that will list all the modules available on your site. The module that you pick in the “Tab” drop-down will determine what module you want to create a new record in. You will have the same “Details” section that will allow you to set values for fields on your new record that this workflow will create. You will also have the same filter option as you do for the Action type “Update Existing Record”.
- Send email: This option will allow you to send an Email with your workflow. This action will give you the same filter option as the previous two Actions, but it won’t give you a “Tab” drop-down since you’re not working with a record here, you’re sending an email that will be added to the history of the item that initiated the workflow.
Warning: The send email workflow action MUST include a from email address or the action will fail.
- Details:The Send email action will also give you a similar “Details” section as the previous two Actions, but with some different options, since we’re not working with a record from a module. You add details the same way as the previous two options, by clicking the “Add New” button under the heading “Details”. Adding a new detail will show you a drop-down box that will list all the different details you can add to your email.
- Email To: This detail option allows you to enter an email address of whomever you’d like the email to go to. If you’d like to use an email address from the record that triggered this workflow you can do this: [Field: field_name], where “field_name” is the name of a field from the record that triggered this workflow. If you want to use an email address from a record that is linked to the one that triggers this workflow you follow similar syntax: [Field: Module_Name: field_name], where “Module_Name” is the name of the module that contains the related record, and “field_name” is the name of the field within that module.