4. Graphs
If you want to create a graph of the data you’re pulling you’ll use the Graph Sub Tab. It looks very similar to the Summary Sub Tab.
To create a graph click the New button. It will bring up a new window box similar to the Columns Tab, but with a lot more options.
- Graph Type: There are lots of different graph types that will display your data differently:
- Bar Graph
- Stacked Bar
- Pie Chart
- 3D Pie, Column
- 3D Column
- Stacked Column
- Stacked 3D Column
- Parallel 3D Column
- Line Area
- Stacked Area
- Title: This is the title that will display on the graph itself.
- Group By: This option lets you select the main way you want to group your data. For instance, if I wanted to group each account by who it is assigned to then I would select “Assigned to”.
- Then By: This option lets you create secondary grouping for the Stacked Graph Types.
- Graph Values: This lets you decide what column you’re going to use for values. If you don’t have a numerical column, or you’re only going to count rows, it really doesn’t matter which column you select here.
- Aggregation: This dropdown has 3 options, “SUM”, “COUNT” and “AVERAGE”. If you didn’t select a numerical column in the “Graph Values” option, you’ll want to select “COUNT”. If you select “SUM” then Ivinex will add all the values in the column together.
- X Axis Label: This is the label that will be used for the horizontal axis on the graph.
- Y Axis Label: This is the label that will be used for the vertical axis on the graph.
There is also an “Advanced” button that will give you a green popup with several options and Sub Tabs. This popup will allow you to change colors on the graph, positions of text, size of the graph, etc.
There are 4 Sub Tabs on this popup, General, Axis, Legend, and Graph Values. Each are detailed below.
1. General:
- Canvas Color: This allows you to change the background color of the canvas that the graph is drawn on.
- Canvas Width: The width of the canvas.
- Canvas Height: The height of the canvas.
- Title Position: The Position of the title you entered for the graph. You will enter a numerical value that represents the distance from the top and left of the canvas borders, as well as a height and width for the title. For example: 50,50,25,150. This would result in the title being 50 pixels from the top and left border of the canvas, and 25 pixels tall, and 150 pixels wide.
- Title Color: Allows you to change the color of the title.
- Title Size: Allows you to change the font size of the title.
2. Axis:
- X Axis Label Position: Allows you to enter the position of the X Axis Label. Functions the same as the Title Position field above.
- X Axis Label Color: Allows you to change the color of the X Axis Label.
- X Axis Label Size: Allows you to change the font size of the text in the category label.
- X Axis Value Color: Allows you to change the color of the X Axis value text.
- X Axis Value Size: Allows you to change the font size of the X Axis value text.
- Y Axis Label Position: Allows you to enter the position of the Y Axis Label. Functions the same as the Title Position field above.
- Y Axis Label Color: Allows you to change the color of the Y Axis Label.
- Y Axis Label Size: Allows you to change the font size of the text in the category label.
- Y Axis Value Color: Allows you to change the color of the Y Axis value text.
- Y Axis Value Size: Allows you to change the font size of the Y Axis value text.
3. Legend:
- Legend Position: The position of the Legend. Functions the same as the Title Position Field above.
- Legend Color: The background color of the legend.
- Legend Text Size: The font size of the text within the Legend.
- Legend Text Color: The color of the text within the Legend.
- Legend Layout: Allows you to choose either “Horizontal” for a horizontal layout, and “Vertical” for a vertical layout of the legend.
4. Graph Values:
- Chart Position: The position of the Chart within the canvas. Functions the same as the Title Position field above.
- Chart Color: The background color of the chart.
- Chart Value Prefix: Text that you want prefixed to chart values like $, or #.
- Chart Value Suffix: Text that you want post-fixed to chart values, like %.
- Chart Num Decimals: The number of decimal places you want to display for numerical chart values.
- Decimal Character: The character you want to use as the decimal. You’d normally enter a period here.
- Thousands Character: The character you want to use to divide thousands. Normally you’ll use a comma.
- Hide Zeros: Select “Yes” in this option if you want to hide zero values in your graph.
- Axis Value Min: The minimum value to show on your graph.
- Axis Value Max: The maximum value to show on your graph.
Once you have all your advanced options the way you want them you can click the Update button to save them and close this popup.