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Each module can have many filters (a way to view and sort the data). This tool is for defining the default filter to be used, and how to use a filter in general in Ivinex.

Using Filters

Before creating a filter, it is a good idea to understand what they do and why you would want to use them. The filter system is a powerful tool when setup correctly, and within the Ivinex UUI platform, filters can be used extensively.

What is a Filter?

A filter processes a data structure (typically a list) in some order to produce a new data structure containing exactly those elements of the original data structure for which a given predicate returns a value of true.

Simplified Usage Example: You have a data list (shoes). You want to filter out all shoes that are “blue”, and you also want to show shoes that are “size 9″. Using filter criteria (or multiple criteria), you can modify the original data list to only include your specific data.

Example Logic: Shoes NOT EQUAL TO “blue” AND Shoes EQUAL TO “size 9″.

Filter & Module Relationships

It is important to remember when creating filters, that filters in the Ivinex CRM platform are always associated with a module (data set). Because of this, filter criteria options will change based on the module (data set) you are working with.

Where To Use Filters

Finishing Up

You may also setup your Filter to be ordered by a criteria.  This is accomplished using the "Order By" drop-down.  Select the field to order by.  You can also click the checkbox to be in "Descending Order".  The default is Ascending Order.

The last field in the New Filter popup is a “Filter Name” text box.  This is where you give the filter a name for reference.