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Mass Update

So you have a bunch of records that all need to be updated and you don’t have time to click every record, add some data, and click the update button. This process would be much easier if we could update all the records at the same time. Lucky for us, the Mass Update tool does exactly that: Update many records at the same time.

The mass update tool is found here. If you cannot see the button, you do not have permissions to use the mass tools for the current data module.

After you click the button, you’ll notice that you have three options on the popup that appears:  Mass Update, Mass Delete, and Mass Email. You’ll want to pick Mass Update.

Depending on what type of field you are updating, the field may change. For example: A date field will show a date picker, a select field will show a drop menu, etc. It is possible to use field syntax in the update field, and you can also use keywords like “Today”.