Mass Delete
There may come a time when you need to delete a large number or all of your records in a data module. It is possible to delete each one by hand (one at a time), but there is a better way. The mass delete tool allows you to delete all or a whole segment of records from a data module with ease.
The mass delete tool is found here. If you cannot see the button, you do not have permissions to use the mass tools for the current data module.
After you click the button, you’ll notice that you have three options on the popup that appears: Mass Update, Mass Delete, and Mass Email. You’ll want to pick Mass Delete.
- Select Records: Determine which records will be deleted. By default all the records in your current module will be selected for Mass Delete. To delete a segment of your data, you will need to create a filter. You can also set the “Max Records To Retrieve” field to limit the number of records you will be Mass Deleting. Once you’re ready, click the “Next” button.
- Fine Tuning: On step 2 of the wizard, you’ll be able to select the records you want to mass delete. To delete all the records, leave them all checked. If you don’t want to delete a certain record, un-check it. After you have all the records you want selected, click the “Next” button again.
- Confirmation Window: The next window you see after clicking next, will be the confirmation window. In this window you will see a count of how many records are about to be deleted. To go ahead with the deletion, click the “Finish” button.
- Finishing Up: When you are ready to delete your selected records, click the “Finish” button. The wizard will then show a progress screen with a count of how many records have been updated. When all the updates have been performed, the tool will say “Finished”.