CC - Agent Data
The Call Center Agent Data module is for User specific data about the Agent, including default campaign, assigned dialers, and status. These are the records that contain login credentials for the Dialer.
Detail view of the CC - Agent Data Module with description of the fields below:
User: Agent User Name.
First Name: First Name of Agent User.
Last Name: Last Name of Agent User.
User Name: The User Name of current Agent User (login credentials).
Available: Check box if the User is to be available.
Dialer: This designates the Dialer.
Default Campaign: Selected Default Campaign linked to the current Agent (user).
External ID:
Action Details:
Agent Status: The status of the Agent linked to current user.
Phone Status: What the current status of the Phone for that particular Agent.
Current Dialer: This is the current Dialer being used.
Password: The Password of the current Agent.
Phone Number: The Agent's phone number.
SIP Phone:
Connection ID:
Connection Preference:
Call Data Record: