Activities View
The Activities window is used to create new activities. If you are currently viewing a record, any activity you create will be related to that particular record. If you are not viewing a record, any new activity will not be related to a specific record. For Activities, you can write a note, assign a task, or create a calendar event -- as described below. Please note that all these assigned activities can be viewed on the dashboard.
- Note: Add a new note for the currently selected record.
- Description: Type in a note in the text area.
- Description: Type in a note in the text area.
- Task: Assign a task for the currently selected record.
- Description: Type in a note in the text area.
- Status: Status of the task.
- Date: Assign a date for completion of task.
- Assigned: Assign a user for completion of task. It can be yourself, or someone else.
- Priority: Put a priority on the task.
- Calendar Event: Schedule a new calendar event for the currently selected record.
- Description: Type in a note in the text area.
- Location: Type in the location of where the event will take place.
- Assigned: Select which user this event is for.
- Start Time: Enter in the start time of the event and date.
- End Time: Enter in the end time of the event and date.