User Email Preferences
The Email Sub Tab is fairly simple. The first thing at the top is an editor with the heading Default Email Signature. What you enter will become your default signature for Emails you send from Ivinex.
The last section of this sub tab is a table that lists any external Email accounts that you set up for use within Ivinex. To add an Email account simply click the Add button under the table headings. You’ll see a simple popup window with the title Email Account.
Email Account Settings Window
This popup box has a few fields that you can use to set up your External Email Account within Ivinex. You’ll use this email account when sending any email from Ivinex. It’s highly recommended to set up your email account if you plan to send any email; if you don’t, your users won’t be able to reply to your messages.
Display Name: The name that should be associated with this account. Usually your first and last name.
Email Address: The Email Address that you would like to set up.
Login Name: The login (or user) name that you use to login to your Email Account. This is sometimes your full email address, or it could just be everything before the “@” symbol.
Account Password: This is the password to the account.
Account Type: This depends on your Email Provider. If you’re using Google (either Gmail or Google Apps) for Email then you can use any of the 3 options (pop3, imap, and imap SSL). If you’re using a Microsoft exchange server it’s probably either imap or imap SSL. If you’re not sure, just check with your Email provider, they will know best.
Outgoing Server: This field is the URL of your SMTP server. Again, check with your email provider on this.
Incoming Server: This is the URL of your incoming server. Your email provider can give you this information.
Port: These are the ports that Ivinex will use to try and access your incoming/outgoing servers. Your email provider will have this info.
Delete Email from Server: If checked, all email recieved into Ivinex will be deleted from your mail server after it is retrieved. You can check this to reduce email clutter.
Default Account: If checked, this will be the default account that Ivinex will use when you send emails.
Here are a few of the typical settings for the more common email services out there:
Username: Your email address.
Account type: Imap/SSL.
Incoming server: Port: 993
Outgoing server: ssl:// Port: 465
Yahoo! Plus:
Username: email without the ( would have a username of ‘testuser’)
Account type: pop3
Incoming Server: Port: 995
Outgoing Server: Port: 465
Free Yahoo: Free Yahoo does not allow its users to set up external email accounts.
Paid MSN Live Hotmail:
Username: full email address
Account type: pop3
Incoming Server: Port: 995
Outgoing Server: Port: 25
Free Hotmail: Free Hotmail does not allow its users to set up external email accounts.
When you’re done filling out all these fields, click “Save” to close the Email Account popup box. You’ll then see your new email added to the list of External Email Accounts.