General User


Criteria Groups

Filter criteria groups are a way to group a set of criteria into one group and then group another set of criteria into another group. This can come in handy when you want to evaluate a whole group of criteria before evaluating another criteria, or another group of criteria. 

  1. Click on the Add New Group button, and a new criteria group will appear.
  2. In between the two groups you will see a drop-down that has two options, “AND” and “OR”. This means that the filter will apply if BOTH groups are true (“AND“) or if EITHER group is true (“OR“). You will see these “AND/OR” drop-downs inside groups of criteria if you add more than one criteria per group as well.

Filter Criteria Group Example:

  1. In the first group we are evaluating who the record was Created By.  In this example filter we want to see records where the Created By name is EQUALto the Current User.
  2. In between the two groups we are using AND because we want the criteria from the top group to be “true” AND the criteria in the bottom group to also be “true”.
  3. In the second group we are looking for records where the Priority is NOT EQUAL to Low AND the Activity is NOT EQUAL to a Calendar Event.