General User


Search Criteria

There are several buttons on this form, starting with the “Add Criteria” button. This is the button you will click the most when creating filters. Clicking it once will give you one new set of criteria to work with.

Note: Because the comparison operators change based on what you selected in the first drop-down field, the following list will help you to know what comparison operators to expect based on your selection.

Note: When filling in your date, you can use an actual date (mm/dd/yyyy), or you can use the keywords 'Today' and 'Week" (Sun-Sat) - as shown below. You can also use +/- modifiers.

Yesterday: Today -1
Tomorrow: Today+1
This Week: Week
Next Week: Week+1
Now: Now

Note: In some cases you can use Field Syntax in the third option. Also, leaving the third option blank can be helpful for showing records where the field is blank.

Example 1: Option 1 | EQUAL | [Field: first_name]
Example 2: Option 1 | EQUAL |            <-blank.

The last item dealing with the new criteria will be a delete link that will allow you to delete the criteria you just created.